The main theme of comparative economic systems

PPF is the boundary between productions levels wean attain and cannot attain, Opportunity cost is the highest valued alternative forgo, Production efficiency, Trade Off.

                     Freedom of individuals to work produce, sell and consume. Here private ownership is widely. No religious or metaphysical bar or regulation for the individuals.

                    No private ownership is seen in socialism the govt’ operate all necessary goods and service production. Income distribution is balanced and equal.

                    Welfare economy is a combination of capitalism and socialism. It was developed by the western countries to face the challenge of socialism. The main objective of welfare Economy is to abandon Laissez-Faire principles of capitalism. It is essential to examine the effectiveness of these tools in the realization of its goals (Regulation, Nationalization, Labor movement, Fiscal policy, High Employment). 

                   Islamic economy is a study of mankind in the ordinary business of life. Like other economic system it not only concerned with money getting and money spending but also with the aspects of human behavior, ideology and Islamic values.The rules and regulation of Islam is not a man made system.we get the Islam from Allah(SWT).So the whole system of Islam is Well aranged.So the economical system of Islam is the most positive and effective economy system for a better economy of any country.Insha Allah If the Islamic economy system will aply then whole humanity wiil benefited not a particular class only.

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